We mean, who needs massage therapy anyway, right? You do. It’s not every day that you get a massage and feel your body relax with every sway of a trained professional hand over your aching body. It does feel quite relaxing and soothing in a way that can often be unsaid after you get a massage done. However, not many people know that there are different types of massages depending on the type of pain that you want to relieve!
A form of relaxation that has been trending on the internet for the past few days is called cupping therapy. A form of therapeutic massage, cupping therapy has been one of the most requested massages at Meta Bodywork in Jersey City, New Jersey (and for all the right reasons, too). So, what makes this massaging technique so different from the rest? Well, for starters, this method has been around for thousands of years!

The History of Cupping Therapy
From the ancient and philosophical meetings of ancient Greece to the modern hubbubs of New Jersey, therapeutic massage and cupping theory have been quite popular throughout our history.
Written texts about cupping therapy have been found in different parts of the world, including Greece, China, Asian and European civilisations, and more. Although the methods differ slightly, one thing that all the texts claim is that it has great health benefits for your body. As such, cupping therapy has become one of the most popular trends in the modern world and people are falling in love with it every day.
You can search “cupping therapy near me”, and thousands of places would pop up on your phone. However, not every massage parlour will offer the perfect therapy for your body. That’s why, it is important for you to know what a cupping therapy is and how it can be just the thing your body needs for a relaxing time.
What is Cupping Therapy?
Cupping therapy is used to detoxify your body by putting some suction cups and stops at the acupressure points to increase blood flow. These techniques have been gaining much recognition as modern technologies have improved these techniques to make them more accessible with a hint of modern design and traditional practices.
Cupping removes the toxin build-up and muscle waste by breaking up the blockages that have taken root deep inside your skin and muscles. Although the practice has been going on for several hundred years now, we at Meta Bodywork use a more advanced technique for the ultimate massage experience.
The Gua Sha Stone
Gua Sha is referred to as a flat smooth stone that is used by our experienced staff at Meta Bodywork to perform our iconic cupping therapy. Instead of the suction cups, the flat and smooth end of the stone is used to scrape and massage the area with the toxin build-ups.
These breakdowns of the harmful toxins can help your body heal, grow, and regenerate in ways that wouldn’t be imaginable if it weren’t for these ancient techniques. There’s a reason why cupping therapy has found fame in this modern world where time becomes money and everyone seems to be in a rush to get somewhere. Of course, there are a plethora of benefits to this iconic massage as well.
Health Benefits For Your Body
Deep tissue and cupping massage go hand-in-hand like bread and butter. The therapy takes aim at the muscular level where several months of wear-and-tear and repeated motion may have made the joints stiff or rough.
With cupping massage therapy, Jersey City and its inhabitants have found a more appreciating way of living life with relaxing and stress-free moments of peace. Not only does cupping therapy help you heal your body physically, but the massage can also help you reach peace while you are at our massage centre with your eyes closed and a gentle Gua Sha stone rubbing the aching points.
Several athletes including NFL players like DeMarcus Ware and Olympians like Alexander Naddour, Natalie Coughlin, and Michael Phelps have publicly talked about cupping therapy and how it was quite beneficial for them.
To conclude, it’s not just about simple massage therapy. It’s about the ancient techniques that people have used for centuries to help others with their knowledge of the human body. From the removal of built-up toxins and the improper blood flow in the body, cupping therapy is probably one of the best massages that you can gift yourself.
Be sure to check out massage therapy jersey city on your phone to see Meta Bodywork as one of the finest places for your relaxing needs. From the ancient methods of cupping therapy to the modern techniques of the Gua Sha stone, we have it all.