META Bodywork

 WE RECENTLY MOVED! All appointments will now be seen in our upgraded, meticulously designed, wellness sanctuary at 75 Montgomery St, #202

We recently moved! All appointments will now be seen at 75 Montgomery Street, #202

Long working hours, endless tasks , sleepless nights making your back and neck stiff? Don’t ignore these signs! This is your body asking for some attention. It is time to indulge in some ‘me time’ and take care of yourself, because a healthy body is where a healthy mind resides.

So, buck up and indulge in some self care. Let’s go back to the roots and embrace the age old techniques of mind and body relaxation – a massage. But wait! So many different types of massage! Which one to choose and how to choose? Are they all the same?

Well, no, the different types of massage cater to different purposes. Read along to learn about one of the most coveted and powerful types of massage- the Deep Tissue Massage!

What is Deep Tissue Massage? A Complete Guide to This Therapeutic Technique

What is a Deep Tissue Massage?

One of the most frequent searches on the internet today is “ deep tissue massage near me”. While most of you search for deep tissue massage parlors, how many of you actually know what it entails?

A deep tissue massage is in essence a therapeutic technique to rejuvenate the deeper layers of muscles. It loosens the tight knots in your muscles, the tension in your veins and improves the blood circulation throughout the body. A deep tissue massage works like magic in relieving physical stress, mental stress, and anxiety to promote relaxation.

A deep tissue massage, though commonly used to treat chronic pain and muscle tension, has many more health benefits as well.

The Power of Deep Tissue Massage

1. Pain Relief

The first and foremost benefit of a deep tissue massage is pain relief. With Jersey City, New Jersey being a city of sports enthusiasts, sports injuries are very common among the people. A deep tissue massage can help in reducing the chronic pain due to the injury and relax the muscles around for a quick recovery.

2. Improved Mobility

A deep tissue massage works on the stiffness in the tissues and muscles of the body, breaking down the adhesions on them. This inturn enhances the range of motion and the flexibility of the body, making the previously difficult movements easier.

3. Stress Reduction

Another phenomenal benefit of a deep tissue massage is stress reduction. The more intense the massage, the better are the results. It helps lower the stress levels, improve blood circulation and return that natural glow to your skin.

4. Posture Improvement

Be it kids or working professionals, the long sitting hours have resulted in bad posture and backaches for all. A deep tissue massage releases tensions in the neck and shoulder regions, thus facilitating easy movement and better postures.

5. Memory and Cognition Ability

After the physical benefits, comes the mental benefits. Research by experts has shown that relaxing massages ease the brain muscles and help in enhancing the memory and cognitive learning of the brain. A good massage promotes the production of serotonin, that leads to a calm mind, happy mood and good memory.

6. Aids in Post Stroke Recovery

Deep tissue massage is a therapy often used with stroke patients to assist in rehabilitation and regain body movements, strength and balance. The massage helps in reducing inflammation and promotes blood circulation, thus resulting in increased range of motion. The release of tension from the muscles further helps in reducing pain and discomfort in the affected areas.

7. Helps Combat Insomnia

Stress and Anxiety often lead to insomnia, a sleep disorder. However, a deep tissue massage may just be the solution you need. This technique promotes relaxation by stimulating the release of endorphins in the brain. The massage targets the deeper muscles and encourages a state of calm, thus improving your sleep quality and quantity.

8. Reduces and Treats Headaches

Another common problem today is frequent headaches due to extended screen time. Be it work or entertainment, the majority of the day goes in front of laptops or phones. A deep tissue massage helps in alleviating the pain and stress from the neck and head, giving the much needed pain relief. The correct technique and type of massage can help in reducing the frequency of headaches.

A deep tissue massage, apart from treating chronic pains and muscle tensions also benefits in other ways. The technique has also proven effective in treating cases of fibromyalgia and sciatica.

What To Expect In A Deep Tissue Massage?

A deep tissue massage, jersey city wide comprises customized sessions that cater to the individual needs. At Meta Bodyworks, we believe in customer satisfaction and provide the best services possible for all our clients. A typical procedure for deep tissue massage includes:


The first and foremost step is to understand the requirements of the client. The therapists, in general will enquire about the issues, medical history or any ongoing treatments and then advise on the correct therapy.


Next comes the actual massage, where the experts will employ their knowledge and skills to give you the best experience and make you feel rejuvenated.

After Care

It is quite common for individuals to feel a bit sore after a deep tissue massage. The experts advice on proper after care to reap the maximum benefits. These care tips include plenty of fluid intake along with some stretches and exercises.

In fewer words, a deep tissue massage is a relaxing and therapeutic procedure that will help you re-energise yourself and face the world with a new strength. A deep tissue massage pricing varies depending on the expertise of the masseuse. So fellow Jersians, be careful in choosing your therapist and focus on points like pricing, therapist experience and their client review.

At Meta Bodyworks, our mission is to relieve your tension. Our mantra is RRR “ Relax, Rejuvenate and Revive”.